I decided since some people don't know the truth about 6 packs and need a little education on this topic I was going to blog about it. 

We all have a 6-pack, you just can't see it.
If you've ever asked someone how to get a 6-pack and they told you to do crunches, then you were lied to. But don't worry, they probably didn't lie on purpose, they just don't understand how your body works. You can do crunches all day and night but, if you still have a layer of fat over them, you'll never see them.Ha ha ha!
You can't pick a spot on your body, do exercises just for that part and have the fat JUST from that area disappear. Your body fat is one layer; when you lose fat you lose it from the whole layer equally. So, wherever your fat is the thickest, that's the last place for it to completely leave. The sad thing is that our midsection seems to be one of the thickest spots on average.

!!!Lower Your Body Fat Percentage!!!

So, if you want to show off your 6-pack, you're going to need to lower your body fat percentage. You'll have to build up the muscle to get them to show earlier and look better, but you need to get that layer of fat off there first. The only way to do that is to burn more calories than you consume.
There are two factors you have to pay attention to: your diet & your activity level.
From my personal experience, you need to pay attention to your diet first. You need to eat less calories overall in a day than you're use to. Eat smaller portions, but eat more often, never let your body go hungry.
Stop eating fast food or guzzling soda and beer. Cook at home more often so you know what you're eating. Get lots of protein from lean meats, fish, dairy and nuts. Don't cut your carbohydrates out completely, just eat a little less and choose better carbs like: wheat breads, brown rice, wheat pastas and so on. Load up on your vegetables; they have very little calories on average and will fill you up. Eat fruit as your snacks and watch out for saturated and trans fats. Unsaturated fats, like what's in fish, are actually good for you. And of course, make sure you're drinking enough water.
Next you're going to want to be a little more active. You don't have to have a gym membership, there are so many different things you can do to be more active. You can ride a bike, go on hikes, do body weight exercises and so on. Anything you do above and beyond what you did before is going to help you burn extra calories. Have fun with it and you won't think of it as a chore.
If you want to run then I recommended that you do intervals. They are more efficient at burning calories, not only when you are running but throughout the rest of the day and they'll save you time.
If you want to lift weights, you can workout in an interval style too. Lift fast with very little rest between your exercises and do a few different exercises back to back in circuits. Then you can take a breather for a minute or two and then start the circuit over again.