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Wednesday, February 9, 2011

I thought Id make a post of cool ab exercises that everyone can try at the gym or at home. 

Abdominal Hold

The Side Crunch

Opposite Arm and Leg Raise

Squat Thrust with Twist
FYI - I love fitness magazine :)

Ballet Twist

The Single-Leg Stretch

The Cobra

Medicine Ball
(Lying Leg Raise, Triceps Extension/Squat A, Medicine Ball Swing, Medicine Ball Tap)

Good Luck with your Fitness!

Monday, February 7, 2011

Almond milk is also one of the healthier, tastier options among such alternatives. In the past times, people supposed that the body had difficulty to metabolize whole almonds, so they made almond milk to help the body for the better absorption of the almond’s nutrients. As the name suggests, this milk is derived from the milk of almonds and has a light, fresh taste somewhat similar to that of cow’s milk.

Almond milk is a healthy and nutritious alternative to cow’s milk which has proven to be extremely beneficial for those who lactose intolerant. It is an extract of protein rich almonds and loaded with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants. It is a great for those who have lactose intolerance and those who are on a strictly vegan diet. Also, it has a pleasant almost neutral taste which makes it perfect for milkshakes. Commercially, almond milk is available in a variety of flavors like chocolate, vanilla and plain.
