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Thursday, March 22, 2012

Sometimes you must motivate yourself by looking back and taking a look at how far you have come. Wether you have achieved your desired body weight, goal, or you need a bit more to go. You always must maintain yourself because it's really easy to go back to an unhealthy, unfit lifestyle, remember it is a lifestyle change and most of all you must do it to make yourself proud and happy!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

I know that sometimes life throws rocks, I know that sometimes getting up and doing something for yourself might be difficult, heck it's difficult in this day and age when everything is so fast paced that we don't even have time to breathe and when we do get a chance to breathe we are so tired we don't want to do anything. I say breathe more often. Slow it down. Take a second to breathe and relax. Think of yourself and what is best for you. A brisk walk when you need time to yourself, a jog when your mind is cluttered and the stress has you on the edge, a workout to relieve all those things and make you feel accomplished! So what I am saying is make some time for "me time" to do something for yourself that is also healthy and feels amazing once accomplished.

Everyone get FitCrazy!

Peace & Love,